Montessori-inspired Sorting Game for Toddlers

After the failure of our coloured pasta for using tongs for the first time, they were just too tricky to pick up, I got to thinking what would be a better first item and out came the pom poms!

An instant hit and Chops (20 months old) got to grips with the tongs in no time.

I lay out three glass ramekins, the little plastic tongs and a pile of pompoms in three colours and various sizes. I showed him what to do, how to pick up and put a pompom into the dish, then let him get on with it.

Then I suggested sorting the pompoms by colour into the three dishes and off he went and sorted them all into the three dishes!

The dribble bib was saturated, always a sign that there’s been a lot of concentration going on 🙂

I was too engrossed in this new game to take a picture but it won’t be the last time we play so will add one later!

Now he’s mastered the tongs there’s a whole World of fun we can add to our daily activities, exciting times ahead.

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