Time to Turn on the Light

Well, one thing has come from this general election, at least.

The will of the British people is to leave the EU.

At the cost of so much. More lives will be lost, the poor will continue to get poorer, the rich will be dancing a jig this morning. Our NHS will continue to be sold off to private companies, to the US. Big pharmaceuticals will continue charging whatever they like and making billions from the sick of Britain.

But at least we know you want to leave the EU.

Food banks will continue to rise, more homeless on the streets, schools will remain in disrepair. Education, Health and Care will continue to be drastically and dangerously underfunded. Those without hope will take their own lives.

But at least we know you want to leave the EU.

Charities who work tirelessly to help the needy, many in dire situations because of how the Tory Government have treated them, will be in a state of shock this morning, knowing their workload will continue to rise.

But at least we know you want to leave the EU.

Families with disabled children, disabled adults, kids with learning disabilities, kids with all sorts of additional needs, adults with disabilities who rely on the state to live a normal life. They will carry on with their fight, hard though it is. Some might give up. Some might give up for good.

But at least we know you want to leave the EU.

Animals will be hunted for sport, killed mercilessly at the hands of the rich. The dire emergency of our planet will not be taken seriously, we will continue to burn fossil fuels, to go nuclear not renewable. They will not care.

But at least we know you want to leave the EU.

You have sold out, you have done this.

You had the chance to do something great and you voted for a proven liar, a racist, sexist, over-priviledged man with zero morals and a party run by and for millionaires and billionaires.

But at least we know you want to leave the EU.

You were lied to, you didn’t care, you were bought by the rich, you didn’t care, you were sold. You are a slave but without a mind.

But at least we know you want to leave the EU.

If this is not you, now is a time to channel peace in the mourning of our country for the next five years. We must brace ourselves, be kind to each other, find a way to help those around us in need. Be present in our communities and be a force for good.

We will leave the EU but we will not let the Government destroy the country, we must do this on the ground ourselves. We might be a minority but we can be a mighty force.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” (Albus Dumbledore)

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